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Morning Huddle

Daily insights at your fingertips

Updated over a week ago

Kasper believes that knowledge is power and with knowledge, your practice can take informed actions and make decisions. The morning huddle gives you that power. The morning huddle shows you daily analytics and gives you insight into what could be missed opportunities.

The Morning Huddle offers insight within a 3-day window; past, present, and future.

All the information is read and populated from Open Dental.

Yesterday's View Displays

  • Total collection for the past 7 days

  • Total production for that day

  • Hygiene Reappointment

  • Collections for that day

  • Production by Role

    • Dentist Production

    • Hygienist Production

Morning Huddle_Yesterday

Today's View Displays

  • Unscheduled treatment for patients coming in that day

  • Unscheduled family members of the patients coming in that day

  • Unscheduled Hygiene for patients coming in that day

  • Total patients scheduled production

  • Balance due for scheduled patients

Morning Huddle_Today

Tomorrow's View Displays

  • Unscheduled treatment for patients coming in that day

  • Unscheduled family members of the patients coming in that day

  • Unscheduled Hygiene for patients coming in that day

  • Total patients scheduled production

  • Balance due for scheduled patients

Morning Huddle_Tomorrow

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