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Setting up Open Dental Appointment Confirmation Definitions
Setting up Open Dental Appointment Confirmation Definitions

How to set up Appointment Confirmation Definitions in Open Dental

Updated over a week ago

Kasper automatically updates appointments in Open Dental when a patient confirms an appointment via SMS.

Before configuring your Appointment reminders and confirmations, it's important to ensure that you have set up Open Dental Confirmation Definitions. This step is essential to ensure that your appointment confirmation process in Kasper functions smoothly.

Here's how to do it:

  1. In Open Dental, go to the "Setup" menu.

  2. Select "Definitions."

  3. Choose "Appt Confirmation."

  4. Add all the confirmation definitions you want to have

Be sure to include a confirmation status labeled as "Kasper Confirmed." This will assist you in distinguishing confirmations originating from Kasper versus other confirmations. Additionally, add a "Confirmation Requested" status to help you identify when a confirmation has been sent to a patient. These custom statuses will enhance the clarity of your confirmation process.

To learn more about customizing your Open Dental confirmation statuses, refer to this article here.

Once you have configured your Open Dental Confirmation definitions, it's important to synchronize them with Kasper. Ensure that the Kasper confirmation statuses align with your Open Dental confirmation statuses. Additionally, specify which Open Dental statuses should not trigger a confirmation request. This synchronization will help Kasper automatically update appointments in Open Dental when a patient confirms an appointment through Kasper, ensuring your appointment management is seamless.

Don't forget to click on "Update" to save your settings.

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