The Patient Profile in Kasper is a comprehensive view of all patient data and information.
Here's how to access a patient's profile:
Navigate to the Communication tab.
In the search bar, search for the desired patient.
Click on the patient's name in the search results.
On the right section of the page, you'll be able to access the patient's profile, where you can view their personal contact information, forms and files, tasks assigned to them, and treatment plans. This provides you with a centralized location to access and manage all relevant patient data within Kasper.
Patient Profile
The "Profile" tab is the first tab where you can view the patient's contact information, forms, files, and all their upcoming and previous appointments.
Patient Forms
The second tab in the patient profile is the "Patient Forms" tab. Here, you can view all pending and completed forms for the patient, add new forms, and send forms to the patient. This feature streamlines the management of patient forms and ensures that you can efficiently handle documentation related to their care.
The "Patient Tasks" tab is next in the patient profile. Within this tab, you can access all Kasper user tasks related to that specific patient. Additionally, you have the capability to add a task and assign it to any Kasper user using the "Add New" button. This helps coordinate patient-related tasks and ensures that all responsibilities are managed effectively.
Treatment Plan
The final tab in the patient profile is the "Treatment Plan" tab. In this tab, you can access all active treatment plans saved in Open Dental. This includes the ability to view both signed and unsigned treatment plans. Additionally, you can send treatment plans to patients for them to view and sign, streamlining the treatment planning process and patient engagement.